I’m a software developer from Germany specializing in software architecture, event sourcing and process automation systems.
Currently, my main occupation is leading the software development team at WMIT Solutions GmbH. For project inquiries or technical advisement, please reach out to us via our website at https://wmit.biz.
Areas of expertise
Since I got started in the software industry in 2009, I continuously expanded my technical repertoire. Some of the areas I worked with in my projects include:
- Software development for business systems (frontend and backend) using C# and .NET, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, Entity Framework
- Lower level programming for audio synthesis and digital signal processing (DSP) using Rust
- Software architecture consulting services using techniques like Domain Driven Design, Event Driven Architecture and Event Sourcing
- Managing linux and cloud based infrastructure via Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes and basic scripting
- Messaging systems like NATS (+JetStream), RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus, MQTT and ZeroMQ
Please feel free to reach out to me for consulting in these areas.
Personal stuff
When not writing code, I’m probably working on mechanical keyboards, crafting new ingredients for mixing cocktails, optimizing my Neovim setup or making music using modular synthesizers.